You can make your donations via:
a) at This is an online giving platform where an account needs to be created and credit card payments are accepted. Alternatively, you can also scan the QR code below.
b) Bank Transfer through NUHS Fund Limited's bank account with DBS Bank Ltd: 107-901098-9.
c) Cheque crossed and in favour of "NUHS Fund Limited" and to indicate Cancer Fund at the back of cheque.
d) PayNow to UEN: 201203593ZNFL (subject to personal daily local transfer limits)
For donations made through the following modes - Bank Transfer and Cheque, kindly download the gift form here and complete your personal details.
Alternatively, you may also choose to donate on an annual or monthly scheme over a period of them. Please download and complete a copy of the GIRO application form here - NUHS_Giro_Form (Cancer Fund).pdf.
Your gift can be used to create a meaningful memorial of legacies that perpetuates for the greater good of cancer cause in researches and/or for financially disadvantaged cancer patients. There are several ways which you can give a legacy gift, for example CPF monies, insurance policies and your will.
For more information, you can write to